
The launch of a joint company initiative

The manufacturers of beverage cartons have taken a decisive step in the recovery of the plastic and aluminum components of their packaging, as they committed to in their Roadmap to 2030. On April 29th 2021, the recycling plant Palurec GmbH was opened near Koln, Germany. As a result of this investment,  this recycling plant increases the recyclability of the beverage carton to well over 90 %. The first stage of production will provide capacity for approximately 18,000 tonnes of input.

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Find out more about the launch hosted by our industry partner FKN, and learn how the technology behind this innovative project works on by visiting Palurec’s website.

Beverage cartons are a low carbon, recyclable packaging solution that have continued to evolve to fit consumer needs, changing lifestyles, and consumption patterns and preferences. ACE members continuously invest in innovation initiatives at all levels while never compromising on consumer health and food safety.

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